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Notice to Bidders The Pettis County Sheriff's Office is requesting sealed proposals to provide correctional healthcare …

Notice to Bidders
The Pettis County Sheriff's Office is requesting sealed proposals to provide correctional healthcare services for the inmates housed in the Pettis County Jail, located at 333 S. Lamine Ave. Sedalia, Mo 65301.
One original and 4 copies of the sealed proposal must be delivered to:
Nick LaStrada -
Pettis County Clerk
215 E. 5th Street
Sedalia, MO 65301
Sealed proposals must be delivered no later than 9:00 am October 21, 2024. Proposals received after the above date and time will be returned unopened.
The proposal must be sealed and must be plainly marked in the lower left-hand corner of the package "Correctional Healthcare Sealed Proposal". Failure to submit the proposal in a properly marked envelope may eliminate the proposal from consideration.
All proposals submitted shall be binding for sixty (60) calendar days following the due date, unless the vendor(s) upon request of the county agree to an extension.
Opening of Proposals
Proposals will be opened and read publicly on October 21, 2024 at 9:00 am in the Pettis County Commission Chambers located at 415 S. Ohio Ave., Sedalia, MO 65301. Proposals will be evaluated and an award, if any, will be made to the proposer who best meets the requirements and is judged best able to provide a health care delivery system at the jail facility.
Other Information
Pettis County is not liable for any costs incurred in replying to this Request for Proposal. The county reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to select the proposal considered most advantageous to Pettis County.
Questions concerning the Request for Proposal must be directed to
Sheriff Brad Anders
319 S. Lamine Ave.
Sedalia, MO 65301
1x-9/24, 2024

Posted 9/23/2024