TRUSTEE'S NOTICETO CREDITORSTo all persons interested in the Estate of …
TRUSTEE'S NOTICETO CREDITORSTo all persons interested in the Estate of Beverly LaVonne Smith, decedent:The undersigned, …
TRUSTEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS To all persons interested in the Estate of Beverly LaVonne Smith, decedent: The undersigned, Michael Masiak, is acting Successor Trustee under the Smith Family Trust dated November 2, 1999, the terms of which provide that the debts of decedent may be paid by the trustees upon proper proof thereof. The address of the Successor Trustee is: Michael Masiak 37 Biscayne Place Sterling, Virginia 20164 and the Successor Trustee's legal counsel is Douglas B. Harris, 206 N. Holden Street, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093. All creditors of the decedent are notified to present their claims to the trustee's within six months from the date of first publication of this notice or be forever barred pursuant to Section 456.5-505 RSMO. /s/Michael Masiak Michael Masiak Successor Trustee 4x- 9/20, 9/27,10/4,10/11/2024