Recently, I was on mission in Tanzania with two fellow Church members. We were in search of Unreached peoples (UUPG’s). Upon return, one shared the following testimony with me. I want to share it with you.
By Robin Dale
Pastor, Elm Spring Baptist Church
The first backyard skirmish between Charlie and Pete happened five years ago on a night with a full moon. Charlie is our beloved beagle mutt who is now 14 years old and missing a few teeth. Pete is a trespassing possum who’s been trying to drive Charlie crazy for years.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
The other day I shared a Facebook meme from a homemaking blog that said, “Minimize the amount of news that you are exposed to. We ought to guard the quiet of our minds, much like we guard the peace of little children. We do not need to know everything. Our children need not worry about the troubles in life. Quiet news and peaceful happenings bring cheer. Let us bring cheer to our homes and not spread distressing troubles.” - Mrs. White, “The Legacy of Home Blog.”
By Liz Schleicher
Contributing Columnist
Just about the time you have recovered from the spiritual joys, financial woes and snow of the previous winter festivities, you come face to face with another one, Feb. 14, Saint Valentine's Day.
By Bennet Bodenstein
Contributing Columnist
Words are hard – much harder than they used to be. It's a symptom of middle age I hadn't heard about until it started happening to me. A few aches and pains? Sure. Crow's-feet and laugh lines? Okay, fine.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
The deep freeze of January had gardening far from our minds. Warmer days should have us warming up to a chore that is best done during winter when plants are dormant. That chore is pruning. Pruning promotes the health and aesthetics of trees and shrubs.
By Susan Burch
Contributing Columnist
As we begin a new political season in these United States, I know that many people are feeling upset. Yes, the majority of voters chose Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean that all people agree with him and his policies.
By Rev. Heather Jepsen
Warrensburg First Presbyterian Church
Once every five years or so, we get a new television. Sometimes it's because we actually need one – like that summer when a lightning strike electrocuted several of our appliances. But most of the time, it's because Tom starts reading about the incredible picture quality on the newest TV screens, and he just can't stand it anymore. He needs to see it for himself.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
It was inevitable that with the first appearance of the signs of winter that the TV advertisers present an overstuffed man sitting in an overstuffed chair in front of a roaring fireplace holding a glass of red wine and touting some product or other.
By Bennet Bodenstein
Contributing Columnist
I find solace in nature. Even on cold, snowy days I bundle up and walk the trail here at my home. I often see a barred owl leave his perch and fly silently to a new perch on a different tree, just ahead of me.
By Angela Palmer
Contributing Columnist
It was an early December morning and as per usual, my alarm clock jolted me out of sleep at 6 am. I grunted and grumbled as I angrily stopped the alarm.
By Adam Kennedy
Location Pastor of Encounter Church Warrensburg
I’ve often fantasized about experiencing a day with nothing to do – you know, a day when I wake up and do not have to look at a calendar to see what is on the agenda, a day when I might lie in bed for a while, doing Wordle and Connections and Keyword without worrying about taking too long and cutting into my time for amending documents, grading papers, or practicing the piano (okay, that last one is a stretch, but I’ve been thinking about doing 30 minutes a day).
By Deborah Mitchell
Contributing Columnist
Are you aware of an area that is considered to produce what are considered to be among the finest and true to the variety versions of the sauvignon blanc and pinot noir wines come from?
By Bennet Bodenstein
Contributing Columnist
I love New Year’s Resolutions. I love how every Dec. 31 appears to be filled with the powerful possibilities of a 365-day blank canvas, just waiting to be transformed into some great masterpiece.
By Atticus Dyer
Lead Pastor, Pillar Church Warrensburg
Artists in Warrensburg and Sedalia, myself included, were shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of friend and fellow artist Gary Cadwallader, who died in a house fire Dec. 4 in Warrensburg.
By Faith Bemiss-McKinney
Contributing Columnist
Welcome to 2025! The end of one calendar year and the beginning of a new one certainly renders the title of “Reflections” an apt one for this time of year. I’m thinking about 2025 with an eye toward how I will spend my time and what things I will allow into my daily habits that will form who I am, my frame of reference and how I will respond to the world around me. We are constantly being molded and shaped by the things that we allow into lives and our thoughts.
Pastor Tim Whitmore,
First Christian Church Warrensburg
I was shocked that a 2022 study found that plants are one of the top gifts people do not want to receive. In contrast, I often list living trees, shrubs, and perennials as gift suggestions when asked what I would like. After thinking about the survey results I wondered if it was the plant itself or caring for it that caused the animosity. Therefore, in this article we will cover aftercare for a poinsettia, an amaryllis, and a Christmas cactus.
By Susan Burch
Contributing Columnist
Today is the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. Long ago, before we understood the workings of our solar system, we were afraid that evil spirits were making our sun gradually disappear.
By Angela Palmer
Contributing Columnist
Merry Christmas! It’s the best time of the year, or at least that’s what our songs lead us to exclaim. Have you ever pondered the why behind that phrase? Why would we exclaim that it’s the best time of the year? The weather is getting cold, and I know most of us don’t care for that much. How many fair-weather fans do I have out there?
By Pastor Shawn Benson
Harvest Church
Earlier this week my kids beat me at poker. No money changed hands, other than colored plastic chips. But the bragging rights will last a while, at least until next December. Our college-aged kids taught us how to play Texas Hold ‘em this year. We ordered cheap pizza and listened to Kenny Rogers sing “The Gambler” while we played.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist