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2025 Municipal Election

Filing closes for April 8 Municipal Election


JOHNSON COUNTY — Filing concluded Tuesday, Dec. 31 for the April 8 Municipal Election. 

Below is filing information that has been submitted to the Star-Journal as of noon Thursday, Jan. 2. 

Municipalities and districts who have not emailed information can submit it to news@warrensburgstarjournal.com. 

City of Warrensburg 

There are two city council member positions to be elected for a three-year term.   

Incumbents Eddie Osborne and Bruce D. Uhler filed.  

Warrensburg School District 

There are two positions available with three-year terms for the Warrensburg R-VI School District Board of Education. 

Incumbent Julie Lewis, incumbent Matthew Sergent, Amanda Brewer, Justine Worley and Natalie Tye filed. 

City of Knob Noster 

There is one position open for Ward I Alderman, Ward II Alderman, Ward III Alderman and Mayor. All are two-year terms.

Garret Carter has refiled for Mayor. 

Jennifer Palmer has refiled for Ward I Alderman and runs unopposed. 

Bud Thering has refiled for Ward II Alderman and runs unopposed.

Christopher Dennis has refiled for the for the Ward III Alderman term, a position he was appointed to in 2024, while Bo Smith opposes him. 

There is also a one-year Ward III Term available. Current Ward III Alderman Tom Charrette is running for office, but the Star-Journal did not receive verification of the term length Charrette is running for. 

Knob Noster School District 

There are two positions available with a three-year term for the Knob Noster Public Schools Board of Education. 

According to information published by Pettis County, incumbent Clifford Everts has refiled. Daniel Pindilli, Christopher Dennis, Cale Seymour, Wesley A. Ross, Joshua Canada and Jason Burden have also filed. 

City of Holden 

The city has a seat in each ward up for election. Each term of for two years. 

As of Dec. 13, Morgan Pemberton filed for Ward 1 and Julie Fields filed for Ward 4. Ward 2 and 3 had no candidates. 

No additional filing information was submitted to the Star-Journal as of 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2. 

Holden School District 

There are two positions available with a three-year term for the Holden Board of Education.

Incumbent Nathan Haun filed for reelection. Sarah Abel and Tucker Fletchall also filed. 

City of Centerview 

There are two positions available with two-year terms for Alderman at Large. 

No candidates filed for the positions. 

Johnson County R-7 School District 

There are two positions available with three-year terms for the Johnson County R-7 School District Board of Education. 

Incumbents Tony Reynolds and James Hoppenthaler filed. 

Kingsville R-1 School District

The Kingsville R-1 School District has two positions open for its school board. Both are two-year terms. 

Incumbents Lindsey Bush and Ed Barnett have filed. Tyler Kennedy has also filed. 

City of Leeton 

The City of Leeton has two Alderman at Large positions and one Mayor position available for election. 

Taylor Elwell refiled for Mayor. Steve Muse and Terry Hiatt refiled for Alderman at Large. 

Leeton R-X School District

The Leeton R-X School District has two three-year terms available for its Board of Education. 

Incumbent Tommy Lake Jr. filed while Elizabeth Elwell and Cindy Fleming filed for membership. 

City of Chilhowee 

The City of Chilhowee has two Alderman at Large positions available. Both are two-year terms. 

Ernie Wilson and Deborah Hufford both refiled. 

Western Missouri Medical Center 

Western Missouri Medical Center has one five-year term trustee position available for its Board of Trustees. 

Rita White, Knob Noster filed. 

Johnson County Community Health Services 

Johnson County Community Health Services has three four-year terms available. 

Incumbents Megan Jaeger, Warrensburg; and Kit Lindsay, Warrensburg filed. Raymond James, Leeton; and Ashland Bell, Warrensburg also filed. 

Johnson County Ambulance District Sub-District 2 

The Johnson County Ambulance District Sub-District 2 Director position, a 5-year term, is up for election.

Paul Polychronis, Warrensburg, filed.  

Johnson County Ambulance District Sub-District 5 

The Johnson County Ambulance District Sub-District 5 Director position, a 5-year term, is up for election. 

Violet Corbett, Knob Noster, filed. 

Johnson County Emergency Services 

Johnson County Emergency services has a one-year position for At-Large Trustee available. 

Kimberly Lockard, Knob Noster,  filed 

Southeast Sewer District 

The Southeast Sewer District has a five-year term available for supervisor.

Mark Thompson II, Warrensburg, filed. 

Blackwater Reorganized Common Sewer District 

The Blackwater Reorganized Common Sewer District has one 5-year term trustee position available. 

Nobody filed for the position.