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Warrensburg man facing charges for sexual assault involving juvenile


WARRENSBURG — A Warrensburg man is facing two felony charges for allegedly touching a juvenile inappropriately. 

According to the probable cause statement, the Warrensburg Police Department responded to a sexual assault report on July 4. The claim states that Brandon Lee Whitlock allegedly molested a girl on July 2 and 3. 

Whitlock has been charged with statutory sodomy or attempted sodomy and third-degree child molestation with a child less than 14 years old. 

He was issued a cash-only bond of $75,000. The bond also prohibits Whitlock from communicating with the victim, her family, and anyone under the age of 17. Whitlock must also be connected to GPS monitoring through Electronic Sentencing Alternative before being released. Upon his release, he would have to stay at least 1,000 feet from places children congregate, such as pools and parks. 

Whitlock was arraigned July 8 in Johnson County Circuit Court and he entered a plea of not guilty.

A hearing has been scheduled for Aug. 3.